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Carrier Takeover Map for Minecraft 1.8.7

Heated battles on the high seas are an interesting part of Minecraft, The use of boats and TNT cannons makes the battles pretty fun if not far from realistic โ€“ really, no cannon ball ever exploded the entire side of a cruise ship quite like blocks of TNT do. The Carrier Takeover map features an aircraft carrier as a central point. This is under the control of the military, who are trying to keep pirates from boarding and taking over the carrier. Players choose which team they will be on and whenever there is an even number of ready players, the map is good to start.






The first team to score 30 total kills wins the game, but itโ€™s not as if there is a timer or marker keeping track of things. If you really wanted to keep playing until everything was destroyed and there wasnโ€™t even a place left to spawn, you could. After scoring 10 kills, you can head up to the helicopter floating above the whole scene. From there, dropping bombs on either team down below is much easier, though the helicopter will immediately become a target for both teams as soon as this happens. If youโ€™re looking to battle pirates in the middle of the ocean, the Carrier Takeover map is one you will want.

Download Links for Carrier Takeover Map

for Minecraft 1.8.X

Credit:ย JoshyD33 –ย Original Thread on Minecraft Forum

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