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Harmonious Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.8.9/1.8

If you’ve ever wanted to make your Minecraft look quaint and tranquil but couldn’t do it because all the resource packs available simply lacked that certain thing you were looking for then your search probably ends with the Harmonious resource pack. It’s a superb resource pack that simplifies the way the game looks for a very relaxed in-game environment, but it also enhances the visuals in various different ways to give players lots of eye candy to enjoy. While there might be many similar packs out there, this one is definitely at the top of the list for a variety of different reasons.



One really nice touch that the Harmonious resource pack adds is that it actually makes the block textures vary a little bit from time to time. While they’re still the same block overall, there will still be a minor differences between the textures of each one of them. This feature might not sound like much on paper but it actually works wonders for the game’s visuals in various different ways, simply apply the pack and you’ll see what we mean. There are also lots of incredible custom block models which have never been seen before so you’ll definitely have a distinct experience when using this pack.



Perhaps the defining feature of the Harmonious resource pack is the fact that it has connecting texture faces. Normally, a block looks pretty much the same from all sides, but these texture faces slightly alter the sides of the blocks that are supposed to be connected with other blocks. This allows players to connect multiple different blocks with ease simply by lining up adjacent blocks with each other; this is a very convenient feature, and it also looks quite nice, so that’s a big plus point as well.

Harmonious Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.8.9 Changelogs

Textures added

  • Coal ore
  • Coal ore north
  • Coal ore east

Textures fixed

  • Stone alt 2
  • Stone north alt 2

Blocks added

  • Coal ore
  • Coal ore alt1

Download Links for Harmonious Resource Pack

Credit: Know2Good

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