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Health Charms Mod for Minecraft 1.6.4

You know charms – those little stones, gems or other bead-like bits of material that make up necklaces, bracelets and lots of other custom jewelry? That’s kind of what you can expect from the Health Charms mod. It adds a number of iconic charms to Minecraft, each of which aids the player in some manner. They are basically small ornaments which are supposed to be written words, and then all give some magical benefit to the player. The scope of these is rather limited since health restoration is the only effect really present, but there’s definitely an opportunity here for someone else to add more effects.

The Health Charms mod only lets you make charms along tier lines. That is, if you want a level 2 version of a charm, you must have the level 1 version first. It will actually go into the recipe and disappear in the crafting of the upgraded charm, so don’t get too attached to the low level charms. Additionally, you’ll need more magical ink to write on the new and improved charm and establish the effect you want to get when the charm is used. Health charms are especially useful because they instantly restore up to your full health amount when your current health falls below a certain level.



There are other charms to check out though. Gold, quartz, emerald and diamond charms are all made using the materials included in their names. These can heal up to 500 half hearts at the diamond level, which is like having 250 extra hearts worth of life or an additional 25 life bars! Obviously there exists some space for abuse in this mod, since players can stack charms and pretty much get infinite hit points. That makes the Health Charms mod excellent for players who prefer to play in Hardcore mode.

Health Charms Mod for Minecraft 1.6.4 Changelogs

  • All recipes now need 1 Ink, basicly to rewrite the Charm

Download Links for Health Charms Mod

for Minecraft 1.6.4 – Forge Required

Credit: senpaisubaraki – Original Thread on Minecraft Forum

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