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Majora’s Maskcraft Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10/1.6.4

The Legend of Zelda is a popular source for lots of Minecraft content, including resource packs, mods and even maps. The Majora’s Maskcraft mod adds a wide variety of new headgears to Minecraft, except if you’ve played Majora’s Mask in the past, none of them will really be new to you. With all 20 of the masks found in the popular N64 game being part of this mod, you can wear all of your favorite masks from the game while cavorting about in Minecraft. Some of the masks even give you buffs, like the bunny hood which makes the player move faster while worn.


On the other hand, the majority of the masks added by Majora’s Maskcraft mod don’t do anything at all besides make your character’s head look different. Besides the 20 different masks, this mod does add a single weapon to Minecraft – the iconi double helix sword from Majora’s Mask. Even today, some players don’t know about this weapon, which you can only use after you’ve collected every mask in the game and transformed into the fierce deity. Even then, you can only use it for the boss fights, but all that extra power does help a lot with the final boss in the game.

As for Minecraft, that sword is absolutely overpowered in everyone’s favorite game about mining and building. You don’t need to be wearing a specific mask to use the weapon either, which means you could use other buff masks to move faster or hit harder along with that weapon for even more destructive power. If you’re making a map based on Majora’s Mask, this might be a great mod to include with it. Even if you aren’t making any maps or resource packs though, Majora’s Maskcraft can add a lot of variety and fun to your vanilla Minecraft gameplay.

Majora’s Maskcraft Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10/1.6.4 Changelogs

  • Updated to Minecraft 1.7.10 with some tweaks to various items.

How to install Majora’s Maskcraft Mod?

  1. Download the mod!
  2. When you haven’t installed Minecraft Forge yet, download and install it.
  3. Move the downloaded .jar into the mods folder.
  4. Have fun!

Download Links for Majora’s Maskcraft Mod

for Minecraft 1.7.10

for Minecraft 1.6.4

Credit: damagicgeek – Original Thread on Curse

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