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Halfcraft Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.11.2

Halfcraft Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.11.2

Simply put, Halfcraft is a resource pack that tones down Minecraft’s default x16 textures to give players something that’s refreshing and intriguing. A lot of packs aim to increase the resolution of the textures since this usually leads to some really high detailed visuals but,...

Links Awakening DX Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.11.2

Links Awakening DX Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.11.2

The Links Awakening DX has been inspired by the popular Legend of Zelda game that came out for the Game Boy back in 1993. Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening was a delight to play and one of the reasons the game was so enjoyable was...

BitBetter Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.11

BitBetter Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.11

The goal of the BitBetter is to take all the default textures that vanilla Minecraft has to offer and then transform them into much better versions of themselves. There have definitely been tons of packs before BitBetter that serve the same purpose, but there are...

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