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NeXTech Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10

The NeXTech mod is an industrial mod with a lot of work left before it can really be called ready to use. The creator plans to implement a lot of amazing features, items, mobs and more, but because of its young age, these things are a long way off yet. Taking inspiration directly from other mods like Computercraft and Industrialcraft 2, NeXTech is a mod which aims to take Minecraft into the future, making it less of the rustic farming and mining game which it is now and more like life in a big city with lots of advanced machinery, computers and other more modern contrivances.







It’s an interesting concept to be sure, but it’s still too early to tell if the NeXTech mod will be a big success or a big flop. This is one of those mods players have to try to really understand. While doing that, you should keep in mind that it’s probably going to crash on you due to glitches, bugs and whatnot, some of which may not even be known yet because of the mod’s young age. If you don’t mind experimenting with mods that are clearly still in beta, then you might consider giving this one a try.

NeXTech Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 Changelogs

  • Most Textures Fixed.
  • NeXTAPI needed.

How to install NeXTech Mod?

  1. Download the NeXTAPI and Forge API for Minecraft.
  2. Install the Forge API.
  3. Go to /.minecraft/mods folder.
  4. Move the NeXTAPI and NeXTech-3.8.1710-1.7.10.jar in mods folder.
  5. Done!

Download Links for NeXTech Mod

for Minecraft 1.7.10

Credit: NXT5230 – Original Thread on MinecraftForum

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