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Project Bench Mod for Minecraft 1.8/1.7.10

There are a few mods which allow players to store things at their crafting benches, as if they were half-chests or containers of similar size. The Project Bench mod introduces a crafting bench like this, but it also does much more. For starters, this mod’s specialized table will actually pull items from the supply inventory first when you are crafting, as long as the necessary items exist there. Upgrading the bench will also allow you to use water or lava for several crafting recipes, with a special gauge along the side of the window which tells you how much liquid is left in your bucket.



The odd things is, even if you take the bucket down to nearly nothing, you can still step away from the Project Bench and dump it out to get the normal amount of liquid. This is probably a bug that just hasn’t been ironed out yet, but it’s a nice way to stop yourself from constantly running back and forth between your crafting site and the liquid source. You’ll need to draw up plans for some of the special crafting projects you can do, and you can review these by clicking the little scroll icon near the left side of the Project Bench window when trying to craft.




You don’t actually build a Project Bench in this mod – that would probably make things too easy. First you need to have a crafting table, built and placed before you start. There’s actually an upgrade item which you use on that bench, and that turns it into the Project Bench from this mod. You need to use another upgrader on that to allow the super bench to craft recipes involving liquids. So we’re talking about a bench which requires at least three inventory slots to deploy and max out, rather than just the one similar mods require. This makes the Project Bench mod a little fairer.

Project Bench Mod for Minecraft 1.8 and 1.7.10 Changelogs

  • Fixed some crafting bugs.
  • No new gameplay changes.
  • Added version checking. Automatically will be notified of new versions of the mod.

How to install Project Bench Mod?

  1. Download the mod!
  2. When you haven’t installed Minecraft Forge yet, download and install it.
  3. Move the downloaded .jar into the mods folder.
  4. Have fun!

Download Links for Project Bench Mod

for Minecraft 1.8

for Minecraft 1.7.10

Credit: _bau5 – Original Thread on Minecraft Forum

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