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Rangercraft Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.9.4/1.9

Rangercraft resource pack is a relatively new texture pack that’s worth trying out because it features a unique setting that’s quite unlike anything that most run-of-the-mill packs have to offer. The primary attraction of this pack is the fact that it manages to provide players with some highly detailed textures in spite of the fact that it’s been made at the fairly low resolution of 16×16. It’s quite impressive how this pack manages to squeeze so much detail and crispness into these textures so overall you should definitely consider looking into it if you’re looking for something new and intriguing.



The Rangercraft resource pack tries to keep Minecraft as green as it can get. It puts a lot of emphasis towards making the colors as bright, shiny and vibrant as possible and by doing so, it makes the game look very lively. The majority of Rangercraft’s textures have been built from the ground up so you’ll see that it shares hardly any resemblance with most other texture pack. One rather peculiar thing about this pack is that the color green is used a little bit too much from time to time this takes away from its charm a little bit on certain occasions.



As mentioned earlier, Rangercraft is a relatively new pack that came out fairly recently so it’s still quite a long way from completion and due to this you’ll see that a lot of textures are still missing. Also, one good thing that comes from this pack being at a low resolution is the fact that players will be able to run it even if they might be using low-end PCs to play Minecraft.

How to install Rangercraft Resource Pack?

  1. Start Minecraft.
  2. Click “Options” in the start menu.
  3. Click “resource packs” in the options menu.
  4. In the resource packs menu, click “Open resource pack folder”.
  5. Put the .zip file you downloaded in the resource pack folder.

Download Link for Rangercraft Resource Pack

for Minecraft 1.9.X

Credit: xenorumfx

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