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Realistic Item Drops Mod for Minecraft 1.11.2/1.10.2

The Realistic Item Drops mod makes it so that the in-game drops of Minecraft feel more realistic when you’re picking them up. One issue that exists in Minecraft, as well as a ton of other games with similar mechanics, is the fact that picking up item drops seems a bit too unnatural since you simply click on an image on the floor and it disappears and gets added to your inventory. While this isn’t that big of an issue in terms of actual gameplay, it’s been a pet peeve for a lot of players who truly like to immerse themselves in the game and, fortunately, the Realistic Item Drops does an excellent job of remedying it.

The Realistic Item Drops mod makes a whole bunch of visuals changes, as well as a few gameplay mechanic changes, to make sure that picking up item drops in the game feels truly realistic and lifelike. Thanks to this mod, items on the ground look like actual items instead of a flat collection of pixels and, alongside this, the items that drop on fluids will actually float on top of said fluids, and this simulates a sense of realism thereby making things a lot more enjoyable and immersive.

Onto the new gameplay mechanics that the Realistic Item Drops mod brings to the table, first and foremost is the fact that you’ll be able to catch items mid-air before they even hit the ground similar to how you’d catch something in real life. You’ll also be able to sprint toss items further and will even be able to manually pick things up by right clicking. Finally, every single setting and mechanic that the Realistic Item Drops mod has can be configured according to your preferences, so you’ll be able to fine-tune it however you want to.

Realistic Item Drops Mod Features

  • Items lay flat on the ground
  • Manually pick up items with right click
  • Sprint toss items further
  • Catch items mid air!
  • Items float on fluids
  • Configs for all of the above

Realistic Item Drops Mod Update Logs

  • Fixed some item buoyancy issues Fixed items flipping vertical on some fluids.
  • Fixed occasional crash with manual pickup.
  • Fixed occasional crash when attempting to pickup items.
  • Added floating items on fluids.
  • Added pickup accuracy options.

How to install Realistic Item Drops Mod?

  1. Download and install the recommended Minecraft Forge for your Minecraft version.
  2. Download the latest mod version for your Minecraft version.
  3. Put the .jar file into the mods folder of your Minecraft installation.

Download Link for Realistic Item Drops Mod

for Minecraft 1.11.2

for Minecraft 1.10.2 / 1.9.4

Credit: Funwayguy – Original Thread on CursForge

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Comments (9)

Could you make it so tools that are on the ground to be the same size as if they were held in hand and also for amour when it is dropped to actually look like how it looks when it is equipped?

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