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Wood Stuff Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10

The Wood Stuff mod is one of those mods which exist to add content to other popular mods – a kind of utility rather than something which is able to stand on its own. In fact, the list of mods affected by Wood Stuff is rather long and includes some very popular Minecraft mods. Forestry, Biome’s O’ Plenty, ThaumCraft and Enhanced Biomes all benefit from this mod, which adds a number of new wood graphics for planks and objects built from planks. These are just three of the affected mods too; the actual list is much longer and includes over a dozen unique mods.



As for the things which are actually added by the Wood Stuff mod, well, they’re all made from wood. This mod gives new visuals for bookshelves, buttons, chests, crafting tables, fences, fence gates and even wooden pressure plates. You’ll find wood comes in new colors, like a lively green and a chalky white just to name a couple. You might think something like this could just as easily be pulled off with a resource pack without a problem, but because there are so many different versions of every wood item in Minecraft, that’s just not the case. Thankfully Wood Stuff is around.



Since the Wood Stuff mod only deals with wooden blocks, it’s going to be useless if you’re trying to change the appearance of anything else. Likewise, if you’re using resource packs which already make your wood blocks and furniture look different, then this mod isn’t going to have any effect on them at all. If you want Wood Stuff to work, you must be using vanilla Minecraft textures in the first place, so keep that in mind if you decide to give this mod a try. Just try turning it on and seeing with your own eyes how much it changes the appearance of wood in game.

Wood Stuff Mod Showcase:

Wood Stuff Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 Changelogs

  • Fix a crash with Forestry.

Download Links for Wood Stuff Mod

for Minecraft 1.7.10 – Forge Required

Credit: ganymedes01 – Original Thread on Curse

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