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Woven Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.8.8

The Woven resource pack is pretty much brand new – it’s less than a month old at the time this review is being written. To be fair, some of the commentary here will probably be dated or outright wrong by the time the pack is finished, but right now Woven can only be judged based on the content which already exists, which is rather limited. The overall theme of Woven was to create a pack that made textures like blocks, items and even mobs all look like they were sewn together. Even the anvil, which is literally just a huge chunk of iron, looks like something your grandmother might have crocheted.




Cacti come with light and dark bands of color to give them patterns like you might find on a dress shirt. This is almost surprising when put next to sand blocks, which appear to be made from some checkered design. Even the trees look like something stitched together, especially when glancing at their leaves with the big, perfectly square gaps between bits of foliage which make them look like they were in fact cross stitched. Many textures of the Woven resource pack look great and fit right in with the rest of the scheme, but a handful actually look pretty bad.




Take grassy dirt for instance. It really doesn’t look like something full of thread and sewn up from scraps of fabric, like most of the other textures. On the other hand, ores are surprisingly refreshing because each comes with a unique face. That is, coal has 12 dots, iron has 9 dots, gold has 8 dots and so on. While lapis also has 8 dots to a face, it still looks completely different from gold. All of this means you can easily find the ore you seek when mining, even in the dark.

Woven Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.8.8 Changelogs

  • All Ores are textured.
  • All trees are now textured.

Download Links for Woven Resource Pack

for Minecraft 1.8.X

Credit: happy10123456

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