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The House Map 1.8.9 (Forgotten Melodies)

The House Map 1.8.9 (Forgotten Melodies)

The House Map for Minecraft is an insanely fun map that brings together all the horror clichรฉs into one really neat package that can certainly get absolutely anyone hooked on it. It has pretty much everything youโ€™d expect from a high-quality map such as solid...

Liberation Map 1.10.2 (The Perilous Monument)

Liberation Map 1.10.2 (The Perilous Monument)

Gameplay thatโ€™s loaded with features, top quality visuals, and an incredibly fascinating plot are the things that come together to make the Liberation map. Itโ€™s an adventure map in which you play as a brave professor who was sent to explore a simple historical site...

Imperial City Map 1.8.9 (Elder Scrolls’ Imperial City)

Imperial City Map 1.8.9 (Elder Scrolls' Imperial City)

The Elder Scrolls is a game series famous all over the world thanks to constantly innovative design, outstanding musical scores, cutting-edge graphics, and more. It also features some inspired architecture โ€“ there are several different races of people with several different cultures and the world...

Levitation Bound Map 1.9.4 (Master the Mega Feather)

Levitation Bound Map 1.9.4 (Master the Mega Feather)

Before heading into any major details about the Levitation Bound weโ€™d like to mention that itโ€™s absolutely necessary for you to have Minecraft 1.9 (Snapshot 16w02a) if you want to play it because the entire map bases itself upon a feature thatโ€™s been implemented in...

Kyctarniqโ€™s Photobased Resource Pack 1.9

Kyctarniqโ€™s Photobased Resource Pack 1.9

Kyctarniqโ€™s Photobased Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.9 is a pack thatโ€™s been designed for players who want their Minecraft to look as sharp as possible without having to download any high-resolution texture packs that their computer wouldnโ€™t manage to run properly. Itโ€™s very impressive how...