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Run From The Clock Map 1.9.4 (Race Against Time)

Run From The Clock Map 1.9.4 (Race Against Time)

Run From The Clock is a splendid map with a very peculiar mechanic thatโ€™s sure to provide parkour fanatics a captivating and immersive experience thatโ€™s quite unlike what most standard parkour maps have to offer. Itโ€™s worth mentioning before all else that this is one...

Hole Parkour Map 1.10.2 (Reach the Checkpoints)

Hole Parkour Map 1.10.2 (Reach the Checkpoints)

Hole Parkour lets players enjoy all the challenging aspects that most traditional parkour maps feature, but it couples these aspects with a few new gameplay features which end up making things more refreshing and overall more entertaining as well. The map might not be the...

Parkour Mania Map 1.8.9

Parkour Mania Map 1.8.9

Single player parkour maps are quiet tests of skill where you work to see if you can clear the map without much hassle. You can compete with other people of course, comparing times and whatnot. But Parkour Mania, like many other parkour maps, is designed...

The Falling 2 Map 1.8.9

The Falling 2 Map 1.8.9

With the popularity of The Dropper series of maps in Minecraft, itโ€™s no surprise that other authors are creating similar maps of their own. The Falling 2 is actually the second map in The Falling series, which is for all intents and purposes the exact...

Infinity Race Map 1.8.9

Infinity Race Map 1.8.9

If youโ€™re looking for a decent parkour map made specifically for two players so you can race with a friend, youโ€™re in luck. The Infinity Race map is a nice, tight competition. The courses are actually side by side rather than having both players run...

ParkourDash Map 1.10.2 (Frozen Depths)

ParkourDash Map 1.10.2 (Frozen Depths)

ParkourDash is a thrilling parkour map that goes back to the roots of this map category in order to provide its players with one of the most immersive and engaging experiences possible. Parkour maps have always been known to have fast-paced, straightforward and challenging gameplay...

Showing 271 to 279 of 387 entries