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Casual Parkour Map 1.12.2 (Leap of Faith)

Casual Parkour Map 1.12.2 (Leap of Faith)

Casual Parkour is a straightforward parkour map that’s been crafted for players who don’t want a parkour map that has all the bells and whistles of modern-day parkour maps and simply wants a more laidback experience that won’t stress their skills too much. Parkour maps...

The Wishing Cake Map 1.11.2

The Wishing Cake Map 1.11.2

The Wishing Cake is a rather hilarious Minecraft adventure map that we definitely urge players to try out if they want to enjoy a more laid-back experience instead of the usual immersive gameplay that adventure maps have to offer. The map utilizes a very intriguing...

The Odd Mob Out Map 1.14.4 (Decipher the Misfit)

The Odd Mob Out Map 1.14.4 (Decipher the Misfit)

The Odd Mob Out is the latest spin on the odd one-out style maps that seem to be growing increasingly common with each passing day. Maps of this particular sort don’t really have the complex gameplay that puzzle maps have always been renowned for but,...

5 Jump Parkour Map 1.13.2 (PentaJump: Limited Leaps)

5 Jump Parkour Map 1.13.2 (PentaJump: Limited Leaps)

5 Jump Parkour is a parkour map that you’ll definitely want to check out if you’re looking for a map that will put you in an extremely challenging and stressful environment where your skills will be pushed to their absolute limits. We’ve come across a...

Punchover Map 1.11.2 (Lava Parkour Battle Royale)

Punchover Map 1.11.2 (Lava Parkour Battle Royale)

If players were asked to pick out the two map categories that they feel are the most intense in Minecraft, they’d probably pick out PvP and parkour maps. Maps from both these categories deliver an exhilarating and challenging experience that’s definitely infuriating at times but...

Crafty Monkeys Map 1.12.2 (Captive the 5 points!)

Crafty Monkeys Map 1.12.2 (Captive the 5 points!)

Crafty Monkeys is an exhilarating PvP map that just came out at the start of October and has already managed to receive quite a lot of critical acclaim because it’s intense and highly strategic. The map’s based on a capture the point gameplay concept so...

Lep’s Quest Map 1.12.2 (Grandma’s Secret Bunker)

Lep’s Quest Map 1.12.2 (Grandma's Secret Bunker)

Over the years, we’ve grown accustomed to seeing Minecraft map releases that are inspired by holidays and 2017 is no different. Lep’s Quest is a map that’s been inspired by St. Patrick’s Day which was of course on the 17th of March. The map was...

Showing 82 to 90 of 191 entries