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DimensionalDoors Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2

DimensionalDoors Mod

If you’ve ever wanted a doorway in Minecraft that can take you into another dimension that’s filled with intrigue and adventure then DimensionalDoors is a mod that you need to be trying out. The DimensionalDoors mod was originally designed a long time ago by Stevenrs11...

Familiar Fauna Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2

Familiar Fauna Mod

Familiar Fauna is an exceptional wildlife focused mod that aims to bring a sense of realism and liveliness to your Minecraft world. The mod’s been designed by a highly talented team that’s been behind a variety of other highly sought after Minecraft mods such as...

Spring Breeze Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.8.9

Spring Breeze Resource Pack

Spring Breeze is a seasonal resource pack that’s been designed to give Minecraft’s visuals a vibrant twist. Although there are multitudes of resource packs available that give Minecraft a seasonal twist, Spring Breeze is definitely one of the best packs of this particular sort because...

Soft n’ Sunny Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12.2

Soft n’ Sunny Resource Pack

The Soft n’ Sunny resource pack has been designed with the goal of giving players visuals that are bright and vibrant but not too overbearing on the eyes. We’ve had our fair share of experience with quite a few resource packs over the years that...

Haven Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12.2

Haven Resource Pack

Haven is an absolutely breathtaking Minecraft resource pack that executes the pixel-art styled visuals in a near flawless manner. We’ve seen Minecraft resource packs of various art styles over the years but the pixel-art style is something that isn’t really all that common and this...

Advanced Chimneys Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Advanced Chimneys Mod

The Advanced Chimneys mod adds a ton of highly functional chimneys into Minecraft. When it comes to construction, Minecraft offers players a wide array of tools and features that they can use to put together some absolutely stunning structures. However, even in spite of its...

Noel Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2

Noel Mod

Given the fact that Christmas is right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to use mods like the Noel mod if you want to get into the spirit of the holiday. The mod’s been out since last year and, while it might have faded...

ThanksGivingPack Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.7.10

ThanksGivingPack Resource Pack

ThanksGivingPack is a thanksgiving themed resource pack and, given the current time of the year, there’d probably be no better time to utilize it. Thanksgiving might have passed already but the spirit of the holiday lives on and, for those who want to revel in...

FNI Realistic RPG Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12.2

FNI Realistic RPG Resource Pack

The FNI Realistic RPG resource pack originally came out around four years ago and, at the time of its release, it actually received quite a lot of critical acclaim because the visuals that it offered were definitely ahead of their time. However, after some time,...

Ladybug Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.8.9

Ladybug Resource Pack

The lack of hype around the Ladybug resource pack almost seems unfair because it’s actually a top-tier resource pack that a lot of players are sure to enjoy. The pack isn’t meant to elevate the visuals of Minecraft to new heights but, instead, it’s been...

Mine Addons Mod for Minecraft 1.10.2

Mine Addons Mod

Mine Addons is a rather peculiar mod because it’s going to be extremely useful but only for a certain portion of the playerbase but, in spite of this, it’s already been downloaded close to 30,000 times ever since the mod came out which is a...

Indicatia Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Indicatia Mod

Indicatia is a Minecraft mod that’s been designed for hardcore Minecraft players who want access to every single piece of information there is about their current game state. This is a mod that you’ll absolutely love using if you’re a veteran player who wants to...

Dissolution Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Dissolution Mod

Dissolution is a highly creative mod that’s been designed to make death in Minecraft feel like an actual immersive gameplay experience rather than the nuisance it generally is. Normally, when you die in Minecraft, you don’t really do much else but wait to respawn but,...

Fearless Color Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12.1

Fearless Color Resource Pack

Fearless Color is a resource pack that aims to give the world of Minecraft a bold and lively look in order to make the gameplay experience more immersive for the players. We’ve seen many brilliant resources packs before that have tried to bring Minecraft to...

BaryDoku Remix Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12.1

BaryDoku Remix Resource Pack

BaryDoku Remix is a solid resource pack that, as you might have already guessed by the name, has been inspired by the GeruDoku Faithful pack. The GeruDoku faithful pack is among the most critically acclaimed Minecraft resource packs resource packs out there, and this is...

Erivale Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.11.2

Erivale Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.11.2

Erivale is a resource pack that was originally meant to be a pack designed to overhaul and improve the already critically acclaimed Werian resource pack but, upon getting further into the pack’s development, the creator realized that the art style of Erivale was straying a...

Open Glider Mod for Minecraft 1.10.2

Open Glider Mod for Minecraft 1.10.2

The Open Glider mod is a straight up spectacular mod that’ll allow you to enjoy Minecraft from a whole new perspective. The mod is actually a sort of successor to the Open Blocks’ hang glider mod that was released a while back and feels a...

ToroQuest Mod for Minecraft 1.11.2

ToroQuest Mod for Minecraft 1.11.2

ToroQuest is an exceptional Minecraft mod that’s guaranteed to take your experience to a whole new level. It’s an incredible mod that implements a variety of high-quality features into the game and these features add an insane amount of depth into the gameplay. This is...