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Oakhold Map 1.10.2

Have you ever wanted to have total control over a city in Minecraft? While it isnโ€™t anywhere as interactive as the Sim City series of games, the Oakhold map will put players right in the middle of a massive city, called Oakhold. You are in...

Castle Lividus Map 1.8.9

Some Minecraft maps are more about appearance than any actual content. This doesnโ€™t necessarily make them bad maps, but they can become boring quickly once the exploration is finished and players begin looking for something more. Castle Lividus is a map like this, featuring a...

Castle Project Map 1.8.9

Castle Project Map 1.8.9

This massive building of baroque design brings to mind the timeless, classic castle, or maybe even a cathedral. This Castle Project map by Alice differs from many other castle and cathedral type maps because it actually has an interior that you can explore – it’s...

Castle of Red Map 1.8.9

Castle of Red Map 1.8.9

The Castle of Red is a map featuring a massive, red-roofed castle of a truly huge scale. Itโ€™s height reaches the world maximum of 256 blocks in some places, and the castle is over 175 blocks wide and 600 blocks long. Itโ€™s the size of,...

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