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Mikev Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.8.8

Mikey’s Minecraft, or the Mikey Pack as many players refer to it, is a 64x resolution resource pack for Minecraft. It changes the appearance of many textures throughout the game while also cutting down on the total number of textures by using palette swaps where possible, like in coal, metal, diamond, Redstone and lapis blocks and ores. Some blocks, like raw stone, get strange effects added to them which make them look like something else altogether. In this case the wavy lines on the stone’s surface make it look like sand might if there was the wind around to kick it up and move it.


Of course, you’ll find similar wavy lines in the sides of dirt blocks and a few other construction blocks, so they don’t look out of place. They just look strange in some of the places where they can be found, if that makes sense. The colors in Mikey Pack are very bright too, sometimes too bright, like the green on a field of grass during the brightest part of the day with the sun right overhead. For the most part the colors are subdued and easy on the eyes though. Also, not every texture in Mikey Pack actually gets changed. You’ll notice trees and the leaves growing on them are straight up vanilla Minecraft fare.



This failure to be thorough doesn’t do a thing to make the Mikey Pack look bad though. In fact, leaving little bits of vanilla Minecraft in the scheme of things keeps the pack from getting too far away from the basic Minecraft roots. It also keeps the pack at a manageable resolution so more players can use it, and who really cares if leaves look better when they probably live under the ground, up in the sky or really anywhere besides a forest, anyhow?

Download Links for Mikev Resource Pack

for Minecraft 1.8.X

Credit: Fumacocan

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