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Torn Map 1.14.4 (Unveil the Secrets of Feldis City)

Torn Map 1.14.4 (Unveil the Secrets of Feldis City)

Torn is a Minecraft map that’s going to take you on an absolutely epic adventure across an intricately crafted and highly detailed game world that’s filled to the brim with sights to see and monsters to slay. Over the years, we’ve had the pleasure of...

Command Run Map 1.12.2 (Innovative Solo Parkour )

Command Run Map 1.12.2 (Innovative Solo Parkour )

Command Run is an absolutely stunning and highly immersive parkour map that deserves a great deal of praise for being quite unique and providing a variety of exciting gameplay features that we haven’t really come across before in this particular map category. If you’ve grown...

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