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Carrier Takeover Map 1.8.9

Carrier Takeover Map 1.8.9

Heated battles on the high seas are an interesting part of Minecraft, The use of boats and TNT cannons makes the battles pretty fun if not far from realistic โ€“ really, no cannon ball ever exploded the entire side of a cruise ship quite like...

Ore Whacker Map 1.8.9 (Ore Busting Challenge)

Ore Whacker Map 1.8.9 (Ore Busting Challenge)

Because so many custom Minecraft maps are made for single-player, itโ€™s pretty cool when a decent multiplayer map comes around. Ore Whacker supports up to four players simultaneously and itโ€™s actually more fun with more people, as more people means there will be more scores...

Fallen Kingdom Map 1.8.9 (Classic Kingdom Map)

Fallen Kingdom Map 1.8.9 (Classic Kingdom Map)

Minecraft and Fallen Kingdom are kind of synonymous with one another. If you ask someone who plays Minecraft about Fallen Kingdom, theyโ€™ll probably tell you about the popular Youtube video which features a kingdom falling into ruin with some catchy music going in the background....

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