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Kid Cupid Map 1.9.4

Kid Cupid Map 1.9.4

The Kid Cupid map is an exciting adventure map in which you play the role of Cupid, the Angel of Love himself. One important thing to remember about this map is that it has a whole bunch of compatibility issues with any Minecraft version other...

Assisted Map 1.10.2 (A Co-op Puzzle Map)

Assisted Map 1.10.2 (A Co-op Puzzle Map)

Assisted is a great puzzle map that makes a really interesting change to the gameplay that not only makes it a whole lot more engaging but a lot more enjoyable as well. Most puzzle maps in Minecraft are quite enjoyable, but a lot of them...

Pumpkin Hero Map 1.11.2 (Save the Pumpkins)

Pumpkin Hero Map 1.11.2 (Save the Pumpkins)

Pumpkin Hero is an immersive adventure map that might not do anything innovative and out of the ordinary but is still worth trying out because it does a perfect job of executing the fundamentals of this map category and this makes for an engaging experience...

Showing 127 to 135 of 191 entries