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Mob Tower Map 1.8.9

Mob Tower Map 1.8.9

Rarely does a single Minecraft map mix together multiple gameplay elements better than this Mob Tower map. Mob Tower features some PvM elements as the player must fight through hordes of monsters to climb the tower. It has some puzzles that must be solved to...

Giant Blocks Tunnel Map 1.12.2 (Block Jumper)

Giant Blocks Tunnel Map 1.12.2 (Block Jumper)

Giant Blocks Tunnel is a fascinating parkour map because it has a unique setting that we havenโ€™t ever experienced in prior Minecraft maps. The map comes with the trademark parkour gameplay that weโ€™ve all come to love so much over the years, and it combines...

ParkourDash Map 1.10.2 (Frozen Depths)

ParkourDash Map 1.10.2 (Frozen Depths)

ParkourDash is a thrilling parkour map that goes back to the roots of this map category in order to provide its players with one of the most immersive and engaging experiences possible. Parkour maps have always been known to have fast-paced, straightforward and challenging gameplay...

The Wooly Box World Map 1.12.2 (The Lost Sheep)

The Wooly Box World Map 1.12.2 (The Lost Sheep)

The Wooly Box World is an exciting parkour map that youโ€™re going to absolutely love if you enjoy playing parkour maps with a challenge. Parkour maps, even the relatively easier ones, have been quite challenging and they can be quite hard to overcome if players...

Showing 136 to 144 of 191 entries