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MoveBlock Map 1.10.2 (Nine Puzzles)

MoveBlock Map 1.10.2 (Nine Puzzles)

MoveBlock is an intriguing and challenging puzzle map that might not be the most revolutionary or groundbreaking out there, but it can still give all its players an entertaining experience that they shouldn’t miss out on. You’ll probably recognize the play style of the MoveBlock...

End Escape Map 1.13.2 (Puzzles and Parkour Await)

End Escape Map 1.13.2 (Puzzles and Parkour Await)

End Escape is an escape-based puzzle map that you’ll want to look into if you want a map with an exciting setting and engaging gameplay that’ll have you hooked until the very last moment. As the name suggests, End Escape takes place in the End...

Jade Jump Map 1.12.2 (Travel the Continent)

Jade Jump Map 1.12.2 (Travel the Continent)

Jade Jump is a spectacular parkour map that, in all honesty, has every single feature that we’d expect to find in a top tier parkour map. The map manages to provide its players with a top tier plot as well as some absolutely spectacular gameplay...

The Lost Map 1.10.2 (Lost in the Olympus)

The Lost Map 1.10.2 (Lost in the Olympus)

The Lost is a thrilling finding map that comes with a very well thought out plot that’s going to keep you hooked from start to finish. Finding maps in Minecraft is quite enjoyable because they feature engaging gameplay and a variety of distinct gameplay mechanics...

Sequence Map 1.9.4 (6 Unique Challenges)

Sequence Map 1.9.4 (6 Unique Challenges)

Before going into any further detail about the Sequence Map it’s worth mentioning beforehand that this is developer Devin Illy’s first attempt at making a puzzle map so it might not show the level of polish and finesse that puzzle maps designed by more experienced...


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