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Something Map 1.10.2 (Brain-Breaking Parkour)

Something Map 1.10.2 (Brain-Breaking Parkour)

Something is an absolutely insane parkour map thatโ€™ll push your skills through the limit as it throws multitudes of challenges that on you that youโ€™ll need to overcome. Each parkour map in Minecraft is built with a unique design in mind. Some of these maps...

Power Parkour Map 1.8.9 (8 Challenging Levels)

Power Parkour Map 1.8.9 (8 Challenging Levels)

The Power Parkour map for Minecraft is a map that you should try out if youโ€™ve had enough of the traditional parkour experiences and are looking for something that takes things to the next level. The map does things much differently than the usual run-of-the-mill...

10xCUB Map 1.9.4

10xCUB Map 1.9.4

The 10xCUB map might not stand out as the most revolutionary or groundbreaking parkour map out there, but itโ€™s without a doubt one of the highest quality options available, and players who are into straightforward and challenging parkour experiences are sure to enjoy what it...

After Dusk Map 1.8.9

After Dusk is a frightful horror map that is perfect for helping the player bring in the Halloween holiday. It isnโ€™t especially reliant on the story to drive things along, and the map is rather linear anyhow, so if you just keep moving forward you...

Castle of Red Map 1.8.9

Castle of Red Map 1.8.9

The Castle of Red is a map featuring a massive, red-roofed castle of a truly huge scale. Itโ€™s height reaches the world maximum of 256 blocks in some places, and the castle is over 175 blocks wide and 600 blocks long. Itโ€™s the size of,...

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