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15 Levels of Parkour Map 1.8.9

15 Levels of Parkour Map 1.8.9

One of the most popular categories for Minecraft maps is the parkour category. Thousands of players around the world enjoy these maps on a daily basis and rightly so because they’re just so much fun to play. Few other maps can match the thrill and...

The 8 Islands Map 1.10.2 (Island Hopper)

The 8 Islands Map 1.10.2 (Island Hopper)

The 8 Islands is a phenomenal adventure map that comes from Gahlifrex, the same person behind The 8 Portals and Gahlifrex’s Void. Both prior maps from Gahlifrex have received a lot of critical acclaim because they gave their players an immersive and exhilarating experience and...

Advanced Parkour Map 1.11.2 (WallBounce Parkour)

Advanced Parkour Map 1.11.2 (WallBounce Parkour)

If you think you’ve seen everything that the parkour map category has to offer then the Advanced Parkour is definitely a map you should try out. It’s an extraordinary map that combines together all of Minecraft parkour’s advanced mechanics into one neat little package for...

Parkour In Every Color 2 Map 1.8.9

Parkour In Every Color 2 Map 1.8.9

Parkour In Every Color 2 is a very well executed parkour map designed by FantomLX. It’s the sequel to the original Parkour In Every Color 1 map which was highly challenging and received a lot of positive feedback from the player base. The sequel builds...

Unexpected Map 1.9.4

Unexpected Map 1.9.4

Unexpected is one of the few adventure maps that focus extremely heavily on providing players with a thrilling and captivating story above all else. It’s a very well designed map that’s full of twists and turns. It has great gameplay, solid visuals and of course,...

Rainbow Rush Map 1.11.2 (A Colorful Parkour)

Rainbow Rush Map 1.11.2 (A Colorful Parkour)

Rainbow Rush is a thrilling parkour map by WaffleBro who you’ll recall is the same person behind a variety of other top of the line maps such as 10 Snakes, Boxed Biomes, Fire Parkour, and CTM Parkour. All maps by WaffleBro tend to display quite...

Stay High Map 1.8.9 (A Multifaceted Challenge)

Stay High Map 1.8.9 (A Multifaceted Challenge)

Stay High might just be one of the most full-fledged and exciting parkour maps out there. Designed by Blockhead7360, it’s a fantastic map that’s sure to push the skills of its players to the absolute limit as they jump around through the sky trying to...

Paradigm Map 1.10.2 (A Mysterious Village Adventure)

Paradigm Map 1.10.2 (A Mysterious Village Adventure)

Paradigm is an extraordinary puzzle map that promises to take players on a refreshing and exhilarating experience that consists of some absolutely spectacular gameplay, top quality visuals, and a plot that can get pretty much anyone hooked from the very first minute. Paradigm isn’t like...


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