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20 Meters Map 1.10.2 (Choose Your Path)

20 Meters Map 1.10.2 (Choose Your Path)

20 Meters is an excellent parkour map by Draft87 whoโ€™s actually the same person behind the highly enjoyable 20 Blocks map. Although their similar names might imply otherwise, it actually isnโ€™t required for you to play the 20 Blocks map before 20 Meters in order...

Sky Jumper Map 1.11.2 (The Quest for Artifacts)

Sky Jumper Map 1.11.2 (The Quest for Artifacts)

Sky Jumper is an engrossing Minecraft map that youโ€™ll absolutely love if you want an intense and thrilling parkour environment thatโ€™ll push your skills to their absolute limits. Parkour maps have always been insanely challenging to play, but they tend to become repetitive and dull...

Potion Parkour Map 1.11.2

Potion Parkour Map 1.11.2

Potion Parkour is an exceptional Minecraft pack that aims to give players a refreshing parkour experience by implementing a ton of exciting features into the usual gameplay formula. Almost all parkour maps veteran know for a fact that, as fun, as most parkour maps are,...

SkyLine Map 1.10.2 (Jump and Run)

SkyLine Map 1.10.2 (Jump and Run)

SkyLine is a creative and incredibly unique parkour map that features some really intriguing gameplay coupled with a top-down view that usually isnโ€™t seen in this map category. In this map, you basically play the role of an object thatโ€™s constantly moving up and your...

10 Second Rush Map 1.9.4 (Parkour Time Trial)

10 Second Rush Map 1.9.4 (Parkour Time Trial)

10 Second Rush is pretty much the epitome of fast-paced parkour maps. Before going into any further detail about it, weโ€™d like to emphasize on the fact that itโ€™s an insanely challenging map that you probably shouldnโ€™t consider trying out if youโ€™re new to this...

2 Fast 4 You Map 1.10.2

2 Fast 4 You is a thrilling and captivating map thatโ€™s no doubt the perfect choice for players who want their parkour experience to be as fast as it can possibly get. The map combines insanely fast-paced gameplay with some relatively challenging parkour sequences to...

Psychodelic Rainbow Madness Map 1.12.2

Psychodelic Rainbow Madness Map 1.12.2

Psychodelic Rainbow Madness is an extraordinary map thatโ€™s great for players who want a full-fledged experience. There really is no doubting the fact that most Minecraft maps, as fun as they usually are, tend to become repetitive after a while because they utilize the same...

Incinerator Parkour Map 1.10.2 (A Desert Adventure)

Incinerator Parkour Map 1.10.2 (A Desert Adventure)

Incinerator Parkour is an awesome parkour map that provides its players with a thrilling and engaging experience by implementing various different gimmicks into the mix in order to add depth to the gameplay. Incinerator Parkour is quite unlike most run-of-the-mill parkour maps because itโ€™s pretty...

Showing 217 to 225 of 387 entries