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The Legend of Zelda Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12.1

The Legend of Zelda Resource Pack

The Legend of Zelda resource pack is the latest addition to the relatively long line-up of resources packs that have been inspired by the Zelda franchise. There have always been multitudes of video game inspired resource packs for Minecraft but the Zelda seemed packs definitely...

Humildade Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12.1

Humildade Resource Pack

Over the years, we’ve seen our fair share of resource packs that have completely altered and, most of the time, increased our expectations and it seems like Humildade is the latest addition to this line-up of packs. It’s definitely among the most unique resource packs...

BartleCraft Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12.1

BartleCraft Resource Pack

BartleCraft is a pretty solid resource pack that enhances various different aspects of Minecraft’s visuals in order to make the overall experience more enjoyable for players. Before going into any detail about the pack, though, we want to point out that it does use a...

BaryDoku Remix Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12.1

BaryDoku Remix Resource Pack

BaryDoku Remix is a solid resource pack that, as you might have already guessed by the name, has been inspired by the GeruDoku Faithful pack. The GeruDoku faithful pack is among the most critically acclaimed Minecraft resource packs resource packs out there, and this is...

Paragonia Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12

Paragonia Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12

The Paragonia resource pack is probably among the most distinct resource packs that we’ve seen in recent times because it hasn’t really been designed for the purpose that resource packs usually fill. Most run-of-the-mill Minecraft resource packs are usually designed to give the game’s visuals...

CubyBlocks3D Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12

CubyBlocks3D Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12

CubyBlocks3D is the latest addition to the enormous line-up of 3D packs currently available for Minecraft. 3D resource packs seem to be the hottest packs available nowadays because a new one seems to surface every single day and, surprisingly enough, almost all of these packs...

INHERITOR Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12

INHERITOR Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12

The INHERITOR resource pack is an expertly designed pack that’s been built to retain the original art style of Minecraft while, at the same time, drastically improving the textures by a significant amount. We’ve seen an absurd amount of packs over the years that try...

Showing 73 to 81 of 252 entries