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Splotch Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.8.8

Just like there are very few resource packs at the 512x resolution, there are also only a handful of packs which go down to 8x. The Splotch resource pack is one of these. The textures are so simple this pack could effectively redefine the word. Despite the simple textures though, it still manages to make things look good by including a number of colors on each block, item and other piece of Minecraft. Unfortunately, not everything looks good because of this. If you happen to be near a desert, you’ll likely immediately notice that cactus blocks appear to be made from mint jelly.





If you don’t like simple resource packs, you aren’t going to like Splotch. But if that was the case, you probably wouldn’t be looking for 8x packs in the first place, would you? It isn’t finished yet, but most of the textures in Minecraft have already been replaced in Splotch, so it’s getting close. Also, and this shouldn’t be a surprise or anything, this pack is meant to work with Minecraft 1.8.x. Using older (or newer) versions of the game will cause textures to render incorrectly, or just revert to their normal vanilla appearance.




With tags like Simple, Bright and Fun, it’s clear what the author was going for when they put together the Splotch resource pack. While it isn’t mentioned, the fact the resolution is so low means that anyone can play Minecraft using this pack without a hitch. It could even improve performance on some low-end computers thanks to the limited scope of colors and textures. If you have issues running Minecraft normally, you might really get a kick out of this pack and the way it reduces lag.

How to install Splotch Resource Pack?

  1. Start Minecraft.
  2. Click “Options” in the start menu.
  3. Click “resource packs” in the options menu.
  4. In the resource packs menu, click “Open resource pack folder”.
  5. Put the .zip file you downloaded in the resource pack folder.

Download Links for Splotch Resource Pack

for Minecraft 1.8.X

Credit: CheezLordy

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