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NetherEx Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

NetherEx Mod

NetherEx is a content focused Minecraft mad that’s based around the three principles of Expansion, Exploration, and Experience. The mod’s been designed for players who’ve grown tired of seeing the same things over and over again while exploring the nether in Minecraft and want to...

Useful Cows Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2

Useful Cows Mod

Cows are a fairly common aspect of Minecraft’s gameplay since there are so many of them all across the game world and players can utilize them to get their hands on various useful resources but, after a while of playing the game, cows start to...

Carbonado Ore Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Carbonado Ore Mod

The Carbonado Ore mod by Insane96 is another ore based mod that’s quite similar to the Vulcanite Ore mod that we talked about a few days back. Much like the previous mod, this mod is for players who aren’t content with the ore variety in...

Yarn Mod for Minecraft 1.12/1.11.2

Yarn Mod

Yarn is a creative mod that just came out back in July of this year and, in all honesty, we’re rather surprised that something like this mod took so long to release because the concept is actually something that blends in perfectly with Minecraft’s gameplay...

Corpse Complex Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2

Corpse Complex Mod

Corpse Complex is a mod that puts its focus primarily on the death system of Minecraft. We’ve had quite a bit of experience with Minecraft mods that aim to make dying feel like a noteworthy aspect of the game but a lot of these mods...

Potion Fingers Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2

Potion Fingers Mod

Potion Fingers is a simple but, at the same time, highly impactful mod that adds an extremely useful bit of functionality to Minecraft’s gameplay. The mod, as the name suggests, revolves around the effects of in-game potions and it actually gives players a convenient way...

AdventureBags Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.10.2

AdventureBags Mod

AdventureBags is a Minecraft mod for players who frequently embark on adventures want playing Minecraft and want a reliable backpack that won’t lose their items if players somehow run into a situation where they have to leave the backpack behind such as dying. We’ve seen...

MeeCreeps Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2

MeeCreeps Mod

If the name of the MeeCreeps mod sounds even somewhat familiar, then you’re likely a fan of Rick and Morty, a series that’s taken the world by storm over the past couple of years. Rick and Morty has gained quite a fanbase for itself ever...

Waterfree Farming Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Waterfree Farming Mod

Waterfree Farming is a mod that makes farming in Minecraft a much simpler and easier activity, so it’s great for players who don’t want to make a ton of effort while farming in Minecraft. If you’ve ever farmed in the world of Minecraft before then,...

Showing 352 to 360 of 490 entries