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Slay Map 1.14.4 (Turn-based Board Game for 2-6 Players)

Slay Map 1.14.4 (Turn-based Board Game for 2-6 Players)

Slay is a highly strategic Minecraft map thatโ€™s for players who want a PvP experience but donโ€™t necessarily want the traditional combat-based experience that most Minecraft maps have to offer. Instead, the map provides a slower-paced but highly strategic and immersive experience that youโ€™ll definitely...

Puzzle Insanity Map 1.12.2 (Mind-Bending Puzzles)

Puzzle Insanity Map 1.12.2 (Mind-Bending Puzzles)

Puzzle Insanity is a puzzle map thatโ€™s been built to provide you with an excruciatingly challenging gameplay experience and push your puzzle-solving skills to the absolute limit. Before we go into any of the mapโ€™s details, though, we want to highlight that it hasnโ€™t been...

Cartjumper Map 1.12.2 (Leap from Minecart to Minecart)

Cartjumper Map 1.12.2 (Leap from Minecart to Minecart)

Cartjumper is a creative and exciting Minecraft parkour map that we definitely recommend looking into if youโ€™re looking for a refreshing map with something innovative added to the mix. Parkour maps in Minecraft almost always have some pretty exciting core gameplay for players to enjoy...

Light Robot Map 1.13.2 (20 Programmatic Puzzles)

Light Robot Map 1.13.2 (20 Programmatic Puzzles)

Light Robot is an extremely creative puzzle map thatโ€™s based on a gameplay concept that weโ€™ve rarely, if ever, come across before in this particular category of maps. The puzzle map category is no stranger to innovation as we often see puzzle maps with creative...

Shadow Parkour Map 1.14.4 (A Refreshing Twist)

Shadow Parkour Map 1.14.4 (A Refreshing Twist)

Shadow Parkour is a stellar Minecraft map built for the audience of players who are fans of parkour maps but are looking for something creative and out of the ordinary. Parkour maps are no doubt among the most intense and exhilarating maps available for Minecraft....

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