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Logical Element Map 1.9.4

Logical Element Map 1.9.4

The Logical Element map is a complex and innovative puzzle map that makes very creative use of Logic Gates to provide players with the most engaging experience that a puzzle map could possibly offer. Of course, there’s no doubting the fact that due to its...

Dream Carefully Map 1.11.2 (The Mental Hospital)

Dream Carefully Map 1.11.2 (The Mental Hospital)

The horror map category is one that’s always held a lot of potential because of all the unique ways its maps can be designed but, over the years, it hasn’t really managed to impress much because most of the maps that are released for it...

Overcross Map 1.10.2

Overcross Map 1.10.2

Overcross is the kind of map that’s capable of grabbing the attention of anyone who tries it out from the very first minute. It’s a puzzle map that utilizes a very unique gameplay mechanic to function, and this gameplay mechanic hasn’t really been seen in...

Trick or Treat Map 1.12.2 (Halloween Candy Quest)

Trick or Treat Map 1.12.2 (Halloween Candy Quest)

Given the current time of the year, a significant influx of Halloween themed Minecraft maps is pretty much to be expected because it’s basically the perfect time to release them in order to get players into the spirit of the holiday. If you’re looking for...

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