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Furnus Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Furnus Mod

The Furnus mod by developer MrRiegel is a relatively new but extremely useful mod that, in short, adds a furnace and grinder into the game and, if that’s not enough for you, it also adds a whole bunch of upgrades for said furnace/grinder as well...

Trash Slot Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Trash Slot Mod

The Trash Slot mod is something just about every Minecraft player could use. Rather than dumping items on the ground where they float around doing their little rotation and the computer still needs to keep track of them, you can use this mod to simply...

Silent’s Gems Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Silent’s Gems Mod

Silent’s Gems mod is a great mod that adds quite a lot of flavor to Minecraft. The mod basically adds a total of 12 new gemstones into the game and these gemstones can be used for a variety of different tasks like crafting new tools...

Ding Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Ding Mod

The Ding mod is about as basic as mods get when it comes to Minecraft. Surprisingly though, it doesn’t add any blocks, items, armor, weapons or monsters to the game. What could a mod do that would be simple if it doesn’t do something like...

MineMenu Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

MineMenu Mod

If you’re a Minecraft player who likes to try out every new mod whenever it comes out and have your installation folder filled with many different kinds of mods then you’ve probably had conflicts between different mods quite a few times already. Conflicts mostly occur...

Better than Bunnies Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Better than Bunnies Mod

It’s pretty incredible how sometimes even the smallest of changes can instantly make something ten times better. The Better than Bunnies mod is one such case. It makes exactly one single change, and it’s not even a big one but this change straight up makes...

Colossal Chests Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Colossal Chests Mod

What’s better than the chest in Minecraft? How about massive chests the size of houses that can carry an insane amount of items? The Colossal Chests mod allows you to make humongous chests from multiple blocks, so long as whatever size you end up working...

Similsax Transtructors Mod for Minecraft 1.12.1/1.11.2

Similsax Transtructors Mod

Although Minecraft emphasizes on construction quite a bit, sometimes it lacks certain construction options that make things a tad bit tedious for the players. Creating stuff on the fly is rather difficult for example while playing the survival mode you’ll have a tough time trying...

QuantumStorage Mod for Minecraft 1.12.1/1.11.2

QuantumStorage Mod

The QuantumStorage mod for Minecraft has probably been designed keeping in mind the fact that there’s always a certain resource in Minecraft that you just cannot get enough of. In Minecraft, there are a few items that you need to use almost every single time...

Showing 46 to 54 of 128 entries