A bauble is a small, showy trinket or decoration according to a number of different dictionaries. The Baubles mod for Minecraft, on the other hand, is a relatively small mod and API utility which allows players to add extra inventory slots to their characters. It is specifically meant to be used with other mods, so if you use this as a standalone you probably aren’t going to get the same results you would if you were to use it in tandem with other, appropriate mods. Without any other mods, Baubles adds four new slots – an amulet and belt slot and two slots for rings.
Because there are no amulets, belts, or rings in vanilla Minecraft, you can see how the Baubles mod would quickly become useless unless you’re using other mods that work well with it. Opening this special inventory uses a different button than the standard one, but you can change your inventory button from E to B to line up with baubles and then you won’t have any issues. Besides the extra inventory slots and the updated GUI, this mod adds little additional content to the game. It is, however, absolutely essential to the function of many other mods, so you might want to pick it up at some point.
Video & Screenshots

- Adds 7 additional inventory slots
- Amulet
- Belt
- Head
- Body
- Charm
- Two rings
- Provides an API for other mods to utilize and expand inventory functionality.
- Access the baubles inventory by pressing the ‘b‘ hotkey.
- Can remap the normal inventory hotkey for easier access.
- Designed as an addon for other mods, enhancing their gameplay.
- Includes an example item, the Miners Ring, attainable only in creative mode.
Miners Ring - Offers customization options and additional accessories for characters.
Popular Mods using Baubles
- Thaumcraft
- Botania
- Mithril Mod
- Mystical Trinkets
- Adventurer’s Amulets
- Crafting Pillars
- Modular Armour
- Fluxed Trinkets
- TransportCraft
- Baubles Stuff
Comments (7)
What is this texture pack in the background ? pls
i have polish crystal launcher
I downloaded it for 1.11 and there is only the mining ring. When I downloaded it for 1.7 it had everything. What went wrong
yes micraft mod
Where’s the normal 1.8 download?
Nevermind, why’s there a 1.8 tutorial when there’s no 1.8
do you have forge?
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