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J.U.M.P. Map 1.10.2 (Unique and Classic Challenges)

J.U.M.P. Map 1.10.2 (Unique and Classic Challenges)

J.U.M.P. is an awesome map that manages to provide players with a refreshing and thrilling experience by filling up its gameplay with multiple different types of parkour sequences as well as other great features. The great thing about this map is that it features both...

Mine Raider Map 1.10.2

Mine Raider Map 1.10.2

Mine Raider is a captivating parkour map by Scythebrine who youโ€™ll recall is the same person behind the top notch Hidden Buttons map. If you havenโ€™t already guessed through its name, Mine Raider has been inspired primarily by the Tomb Raider series so youโ€™ll definitely...

Timestop Parkour Map 1.12.2

Timestop Parkour Map 1.12.2

The Timestop Parkour map definitely scores major points for innovation because it somehow manages to bring a unique concept into a map category thatโ€™s started becoming quite stagnant over the years. Weโ€™ve seen many delightful and immersive parkour maps throughout our Minecraft adventures, but thereโ€™s...

Potion Parkour Map 1.11.2

Potion Parkour Map 1.11.2

Potion Parkour is an exceptional Minecraft pack that aims to give players a refreshing parkour experience by implementing a ton of exciting features into the usual gameplay formula. Almost all parkour maps veteran know for a fact that, as fun, as most parkour maps are,...

Psychodelic Rainbow Madness Map 1.12.2

Psychodelic Rainbow Madness Map 1.12.2

Psychodelic Rainbow Madness is an extraordinary map thatโ€™s great for players who want a full-fledged experience. There really is no doubting the fact that most Minecraft maps, as fun as they usually are, tend to become repetitive after a while because they utilize the same...

Explosive Survival Map 1.9.4 (Creeper Chaos)

Explosive Survival Map 1.9.4 (Creeper Chaos)

The Explosive Survival map is an insanely challenging survival PvE map in which youโ€™ll have to deal with waves upon waves of deadly creepers that all exist for the sole purpose of making your life hell. Unlike most standard survival maps, it doesnโ€™t have any...

Showing 145 to 153 of 204 entries