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Frenzy Fire Map 1.10.2 (First Person Shooter)

Frenzy Fire Map 1.10.2 (First Person Shooter)

If a unique, innovative and captivating player vs. player map is what you seek, then you don’t need to look any further because Frenzy Fire has you covered. It’s a spectacular map that adds a one of a kind shooting mini-game into Minecraft. The map...

Switch Parkour Map 1.12.2 (Find the Rhythms)

Switch Parkour Map 1.12.2 (Find the Rhythms)

Switch Parkour is a unique and creative map because it doesn’t follow the standard parkour map formula of shoving challenging content down a player’s throat but, instead, focuses on tuning the core play-style in a way that not only provides a refreshing experience but also...

Resuscitate Map 1.8.9 (Implicative Storyline)

Resuscitate Map 1.8.9 (Implicative Storyline)

Resuscitate is a top notch Minecraft puzzle map that’s filled to the brim with many great features to make sure that players remain captivated from start to finish as they go through all the challenges that the map has to offer. The thing we like...

Motor Course Map 1.12.2

Motor Course Map 1.12.2

While it might not seem as such at first sight, Motor Course is actually a parkour map and it’s been designed for players who’ve grown tired of the standard parkour formula that’s been around for quite a few years now. Most parkour maps revolve around...

G.Y.R. 2 Map 1.9.4

G.Y.R. 2 Map 1.9.4

G.Y.R. 2, also referred to as Green Yellow Red 2, is the sequel to the first G.Y.R map that was released to the public near the beginning of this month. Much like its predecessor, G.Y.R. 2 doesn’t try to push the boundaries of this map...

Sky Fight Map 1.11.2 (Aerial Showdown)

Sky Fight Map 1.11.2 (Aerial Showdown)

The Sky Fight map is a thrilling map that takes great advantage of one of the most innovative features that Minecraft has to offer which is, of course, Elytra. Elytra was recently implemented into Minecraft but it hasn’t really been utilized to its fullest potential....

Ghost Parkour Map 1.10.2 (Vanishing Blocks Parkour)

Ghost Parkour Map 1.10.2 (Vanishing Blocks Parkour)

Ghost Parkour is an absolutely stellar map that’ll truly test your skills and timing like no other map before. The pack mostly features standard gameplay but, on top of this, it has a very intriguing new gimmick that brings a lot of depth to the...

Showing 370 to 378 of 749 entries