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Crack the Safe Map 1.10.2 (The Tiny Agent’s Mission)

Crack the Safe Map 1.10.2 (The Tiny Agent's Mission)

Crack the Safe is a fun filled adventure map that combines the very best elements of adventure maps with a bit of puzzle-focused gameplay to make for a refreshing and exhilarating experience for players to enjoy. The map delivers some of the most creative gameplay...

Redstone is the Answer Map 1.11.2 (The Lever Puzzle)

Redstone is the Answer Map 1.11.2 (The Lever Puzzle)

Redstone is the Answer is a puzzle map that, as the name implies, revolves completely around manipulating Redstone in order to get through. The gameplay mechanics of Redstone are arguably some of the most creative that exist in Minecraft and, while they might be slightly...

No Mouse Parkour Map 1.11.2 (Locked Mouse Edition)

No Mouse Parkour Map 1.11.2 (Locked Mouse Edition)

If you’re looking for a parkour map that’s completely out of the ordinary and promises to deliver a unique experience then No Mouse Parkour is definitely the perfect choice for you. Before going into any detail regarding it, we want to point out that it’s...

The Lord of the Dungeons Map 1.8.9 (The Cursed Castle)

The Lord of the Dungeons Map 1.8.9 (The Cursed Castle)

The Lord of the Dungeons map is one that you should consider trying out if you’re looking for a full-fledged experience that’ll keep you hooked from the very first minute to the very last. It’s a fantasy-styled adventure that’ll take you through a mysterious castle...

The Loophole Map 1.12.2 (A Mind-Bending Puzzle Adventure)

The Loophole Map 1.12.2 (A Mind-Bending Puzzle Adventure)

The Loophole is a map that you absolutely must look into if you’re looking for a feature filled and rage-inducing puzzle map that’s going to provide you with an infuriating experience while simultaneously keeping you immersed throughout the entire journey. Over the years, we’ve had...

The Last Cookie Map 1.8.9 (A Christmas Tale)

The Last Cookie Map 1.8.9 (A Christmas Tale)

The Last Cookie is a rather unique map in the sense that it doesn’t focus as much on the gameplay as the usual Minecraft maps do. However, it’s still worth playing because it comes with a story that’s worth playing the whole thing right until...

Asleep 2 Map 1.10.2

Asleep 2 Map 1.10.2

Asleep 2 is the sequel to the hugely popular and critically acclaimed Asleep Map that came out a while back. The concept behind Asleep 2 is pretty much the same as it was in the original map so if you enjoyed playing the first, then...

The 8 Portals Map 1.9.4 (Emerald Hunt)

The 8 Portals Map 1.9.4 (Emerald Hunt)

The 8 Portals Map is an extremely fun and highly challenging puzzle map that’ll put your observational skills to the ultimate test. Perhaps the biggest testament to this map’s quality is the fact that it has only been out for 10 days and in this...


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