Into the Block is a find the button map that’s been built to put players through a challenging experience that traditional maps of this category don’t necessarily offer. Find the button maps are generally quite enjoyable because of the simple yet addicting gameplay that they have to offer but, in terms of difficulty, they’re definitely on the lower end of the spectrum as far as all Minecraft maps are concerned. Fortunately, though, Into the Block is a map that’s been crafted specifically for players who are seeking a challenging find the button map that they won’t be able to breeze through.
Into the Block is a map that consists of a total of five different levels and each individual level has multiple buttons that you’ll need to find in order to move onto the next level. Some levels even take place across multiple different stages and every stage has its own challenges that you will have to overcome. At the end of each level, there’s a final button that you’ll have to locate, and finding this button is definitely the hardest task because it’s usually placed in an extremely creative spot that you’ll definitely have to spend quite some time figuring out.
It’s worth mentioning that the Into the Block map starts out quite easy since the initial levels aren’t all that challenging but you shouldn’t let these lure you into a false sense of security because the difficulty ramps up exponentially quite quickly and, by the time you’re at the later levels of the game, you’ll struggle quite a bit if you aren’t adept at playing maps of this sort. All said and done, though, Into the Block is a great map that you should absolutely try out if button finding maps are according to your preferences and you want something challenging to keep busy with.