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Rope Bridge Mod for Minecraft 1.16.5/1.15.2/1.12.2

Rope Bridge Mod

Building bridges is usually such a simple process in Minecraft. A couple pieces of stairs, a little elevation and a long, flat plane going over the water, lava or other environmental hazard is usually enough to get the job done. But these bridges are so...

Davinci’s Vessels Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.10.2

Davinci’s Vessels Mod

The Davinci’s Vessels mod, as the name suggests, has been inspired by all the various innovations and creations of Leonardo da Vinci who is, of course, one of the most prominent historical figures of all time. The mod is not only highly authentic but, alongside...

Telepad Mod for Minecraft 1.18/1.17.1/1.16.5

Telepad Mod

Telepad is a mod that claims to take Minecraft’s teleportation to a whole new level, and although this claim might seem a bit over the top considering the fact that there are multitudes of different teleportation mods available, it actually turns out that it’s quite...

Kitsu’s ForgeCraft Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Kitsu’s ForgeCraft

Kitsu’s ForgeCraft is a mod that aims to add a bit more realism to the crafting systems of Minecraft in order to make the in-game experience more engaging and immersive for the players. As you can tell by the name, crafting things is one of...

Neat Mod for Minecraft 1.16.5/1.15.2/1.14.4

Neat Mod

The Neat Mod is a very useful and convenient mod that doesn’t necessarily do much to impact the gameplay directly but instead it adds a really useful visual element to the game that makes playing the game much more engaging. Neat has been inspired by...

Parachute Mod for Minecraft 1.15.2/1.14.4/1.12.2

Parachute Mod

Falling from great heights in Minecraft pretty much always means a horrible death when you land. This has been the bane of many players in Hardcore worlds who just dig a little too far and end up taking their last long plummet to the ground...

Transport Simulator Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Transport Simulator Mod

Transport Simulator is a mod that’s been crafted by the same team that was behind the extremely high quality Minecraft Flight Simulator mod that caught the heart of many players across the world. Much like the flight simulation mod, Transport Simulator is extremely well crafted...

Hats Mod for Minecraft 1.16.5/1.12.2

Hats Mod

Hats is a neat little Minecraft mod that’s been made for players who want to enhance the aesthetics of their Minecraft characters a tad bit and add some extra visual flare to them. The majority of Minecraft’s mods are built to alter the gameplay in...

Blood Magic Mod for Minecraft 1.16.5/1.16.4/1.12.2

Blood Magic Mod

The Blood Magic mod introduces alchemy and wizardry to Minecraft at a degree never before seen. Sure, there are plenty of potion recipes you could already cook up on vanilla Minecraft using a brewing stand, bottled water and some nether wart as a base. But...

Showing 55 to 63 of 635 entries