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Weapon XP Mod for Minecraft 1.8

Weapon XP Mod for Minecraft 1.8

The concept of weapons that level up along with the character using them isn’t exactly a new one. But it is done very well in Minecraft’s Weapon XP mod, which makes weapons stronger the more often they are used. Unfortunately, it doesn’t make them immune...

Yellow Submarine Mod for Minecraft 1.8

Yellow Submarine Mod for Minecraft 1.8

The music of The Beatles seems to be timeless. It was plain old pop back when it hit the airwaves for the first time, but the messages in the music and the compelling tunes have given many Beatles songs a strange lasting power possessed by...

Dragon Shouts Mod for Minecraft 1.8

Dragon Shouts Mod for Minecraft 1.8

Anyone who has played The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim before will already know what to expect from the Dragon Shouts Mod. This essentially adds the Shouts from Skyrim to Minecraft, allowing the player to shove enemies and friendly mobs alike all aside by using the...

Build Faster Mod for Minecraft 1.8/1.7.10

Build Faster Mod for Minecraft 1.8/1.7.10

With a name like it has, the Build Faster mod should be pretty easy for most players to figure out from a glance. Basically the mod just makes you build faster. There’s nothing special about that; what’s unique is the way the mod does what...

Alchemy Craft Mod for Minecraft 1.8

Alchemy Craft Mod for Minecraft 1.8

To summarize, the Alchemy Craft mod adds new dimensions of smithing, brewing and crafting to Minecraft. But besides that, it even brings some new magical effects and spells to the Minecraft; spells which were heretofore unseen and unheard of in Mojang’s hit game. Not only...

Bow Evolution Mod for Minecraft 1.8

Bow Evolution Mod for Minecraft 1.8

The Bow Evolution Mod isn’t just about making the classic Minecraft bow better, though it does do that. This mod also adds a number of completely new bows and ranged weaponry to the game, like the Redstone bow or the drill bow. These do unique...

Useful Food Mod for Minecraft 1.8/1.7.10

Useful Food Mod for Minecraft 1.8/1.7.10

Calling any piece of food in Minecraft useful is debatable. Sure, spider eyes will fill up your hunger meter if you eat enough of them, but they’ll also poison you and bring you down to half a heart of health, making it easy for anything,...

Wireless Redstone Mod for Minecraft 1.8

Wireless Redstone Mod for Minecraft 1.8

One of the hardest parts in creating any redstone construct is getting the wiring down perfectly. You need lines of redstone dust running along certain paths and fed into repeaters and other blocks in just the right way for the building you create to do...

Showing 199 to 207 of 424 entries