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The Sappy Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.8.8

The first thing you’re bound to notice about The Sappy resource pack is the increased level of detail in blocks, even average ones like stone and dirt. They just have more colors, more marks, more depth; they only look better. Though the resolution is low at 32x, the pack still does an excellent job of making Minecraft look like a much different game. Most of the content here is fresh and new. This doesn’t mean everything looks different though. Desert fortresses and the blocks they are made up of, for instance, all look to be the same as in vanilla Minecraft with some very minor adjustments.





While a few paintings are different, that’s about the extent of the changes in The Sappy resource pack. It focuses mostly on the blocks and objects, but there are plans for more changes with future updates of the resource pack. It happens to be the first pack from the author FennecFox, and it’s not bad at all for a first attempt at making a resource pack. One strange aspect of the pack is that the sun looks like a giant snowflake rather than the roundish shape featured in most packs. Perhaps there’s something strange about that sun because all of the plant life looks different too.





Strangely enough, sand and the colored varieties of it are some of the best-looking blocks in The Sappy Pack. This will be sufficient to make some players want to seek out a desert village so they can live in a place where they see the best the pack has to offer all the time. You don’t need any special software, mods or launchers to use this resource pack – just drag it into the appropriate folder and turn it on in the game whenever you like.

How to install The Sappy Resource Pack?

  1. Download The Sappy Pack from the links below!
  2. You get a zip file, which should be placed in %appdata%/.minecraft/resourcepacks, without making unzip!
  3. Have fun!

Download Links for The Sappy Resource Pack

for Minecraft 1.8.X

Credit: FennecFox – Original Thread on Planet Minecraft

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