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Galactic Colored Blocks Mod for Minecraft 1.8

If you’re looking to add more color to your Minecraft world, the Galactic Colored Blocks mod is all you need to download. This mod gives dozens of Minecraft blocks a new look – or 16 new looks, to be more precise. From dirt to cobblestone, wood logs to planks and much more, your blocks will all have 16 possible colors. Each of these traces its roots back to the different types of dye you can cook up in vanilla Minecraft, so you’re probably already familiar with a wide range of the new colors. The new colors have continuity too, which will be explained now.




Say you have a bunch of blue cobblestone for instance, and you go ahead and smelt that into blue stone blocks. With those, you can then make blue stone bricks of various types – or go back to the cobblestone again by placing the stone and then breaking it with a pickaxe, like you did when mining it in the first place. The color stays blue all through the life of the cobblestone, whether you’re building it into something else which you then build into something else, or backtracking from an advanced recipe to a more basic one. Basically, you only need to color blocks once.




But because the Galactic Colored Blocks mod allows you to use dyes on all the blocks which can now be colored, you might find yourself changing the colors far more often. You can use a single color for each of your farm patches, like green for melons and yellow for wheat, to help make them easier to tell apart from a great distance. All the colors for stone, sandstone and other popular construction blocks means you can build a literal rainbow of a house, even with common materials. This is a nice, versatile mod which doesn’t change the way Minecraft plays; just the way it looks.

Galactic Colored Blocks Mod for Minecraft 1.8 Changelogs

  • Fix grass particle.
  • Fix stone brick crafting to retain color.

Download Links for Galactic Colored Blocks Mod

for Minecraft 1.8 – Forge Required

Credit: Wei_Kemp_Norris – Original Thread on Curse

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