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Creeperade Mod for Minecraft 1.12

Creeperade Mod for Minecraft 1.12

Ever since the inception of Minecraft, Creepers have been a constant thorn in pretty much every single player’s side because they’re just too annoying to deal with. They show up out of nowhere and deal an absurd amount of damage with their explosion, and this...

ShieldHider Mod for Minecraft for 1.12/1.11.2

ShieldHider Mod for Minecraft for 1.12/1.11.2

If you’ve been modding your Minecraft client for a while, then you’re probably familiar with those particular mods that make one tiny, seemingly unimportant, change to the game but that change ends up having an incredibly positive impact on the experience. As it turns out,...

Bionisation 2 Mod for Minecraft 1.11.2/1.10.2

Bionisation 2 Mod for Minecraft 1.11.2/1.10.2

Bionisation 2 is an incredibly well designed and highly creative Minecraft mod that implements actual viruses and diseases into the game. Although players can pull off a ton of incredible things in Minecraft, it isn’t really one of the most realistic games out there, but...

Better HUD Mod for Minecraft 1.11/1.10.2

Better HUD Mod for Minecraft 1.11/1.10.2

The HUD of pretty much any game is generally one of its most important parts. Developers usually have to execute the design of the in-game HUD perfectly because it’s the first thing that players interact with. However, unfortunately, this hasn’t necessarily been the case in...

Packing Tape Mod for Minecraft 1.12/1.11.2

Packing Tape Mod for Minecraft 1.12/1.11.2

The Packing Tape mod takes what is perhaps one of the world’s most convenient accessories and implements said accessory into Minecraft. The accessory that this mod adds, as the name suggests, is Packing Tape. It’s extremely useful, and its use is fairly obvious. Basically, it...

Multishot Mod for Minecraft 1.12/1.11.2/1.10.2

Multishot Mod for Minecraft 1.12/1.11.2/1.10.2

Though the name might make you think this mod allows your bows to fire multiple arrows at once, the reality of it could not be further from the truth. The Multishot mod actually allows players to set up a schedule in game, which Minecraft will...

Block Launcher Mod for Minecraft 1.11.2/1.10.2

Block Launcher Mod for Minecraft 1.11.2/1.10.2

Block Launcher is a mod that seems quite absurd on paper but seems to function quite nicely in practice. This is a mod that’s basically been designed to ensure that players never run out of ammo and always have something that they can shoot towards...

SugiForest Mod for Minecraft 1.11.2/1.9.4

SugiForest Mod for Minecraft 1.11.2/1.9.4

SugiForest is a pretty small mod that’s managed to receive quite a lot of popularity and critical acclaim from its users. If you’re familiar with trees in Japan, then you’ll probably recognize the name of this mod because it’s been inspired directly by the Sugi...

TODOList Mod for Minecraft 1.10.2/1.9.4

TODOList Mod for Minecraft 1.10.2/1.9.4

TODOList is a mod that’s no doubt going to be perfect for players who frequently forget what they’re supposed to do. Minecraft is a game that’s filled with adventures for players to embark on but, the one negative side to all this variety, is the...

Showing 190 to 198 of 298 entries