Though the name might make you think this mod allows your bows to fire multiple arrows at once, the reality of it could not be further from the truth. The Multishot mod actually allows players to set up a schedule in game, which Minecraft will then follow to take screenshots of the game at apportioned times. Once the interval between screenshots is set, the mod takes care of everything else, soon filling the players screenshots folder with images. There is no limit to the number of screenshots this mod will take. The uses for this mod are myriad, but it wouldn’t hurt to take a moment to outline a few here.
For starters, the Multishot mod is excellent for creating time lapses, or strings of photos showing something while it changes over time. Plant a bunch of saplings in a wide, open field and walk away from your computer to do something else. When you come back and all the trees area grown, this mod will show you the growth as it happened, with trees randomly popping up in your screenshots. More than just a cosmetic thing, this will allow you to figure an average time for growth from sapling to adult tree. It has other uses too, though they might be a little more subtle.
The Multishot mod works with other Forge mods, since this version has been completely redone and rewritten to comply with Minecraft Forge. That compatibility with a horde of other mods opens up still more possibilities. If you’ve ever wanted to record your Minecraft gameplay for personal reasons but your computer couldn’t handle the extra strain on your processor and video card, this is probably the perfect mod for you. Extraneous screenshots can be deleted later, and you can always change the config file, so Multishot takes screenshots more or less often.
Multishot Mod for Minecraft 1.12 and 1.11.2 Changelogs
- Refactored/re-wrote most of the Thread stuff, again
- Added new, model-based path/point markers, and added rendering the path point number/index in path point markers
- Added the keybind combinations as a hover tooltip to the Multishot menu (the info icon)
- Added a free moving camera mode, which can also record in other resolutions than the game resolution
How to install Multishot Mod?
- You need to have Forge installed for your version of Minecraft.
- Then just place the multishot .zip or .jar file in the mods/ folder of your Minecraft working directory.
Download Links for Multishot Mod
for Minecraft 1.12
for Minecraft 1.11.2 / 1.11
for Minecraft 1.10.2
for Minecraft 1.9.4
for Minecraft 1.8.9
for Minecraft 1.7.10
Credit: masa_fi – Original Thread on MinecraftForum
Comments (1)
Can you guys PLEASE get the minecraft comes alive mod for 1.8??? PLEASE?!?!!!?! I have wanted it for a VERY LONG TIME! Thank you!
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