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Not Enough Items Mod

Not Enough Items Mod is a mod that adds recipes and other unique features into your game, and if you choose to do so, lets you use pre-loaded items in Cheat mode. With the ability to lock yourself into any mode you choose, you can prevent yourself from using cheats, or use blocks as a test build instead of always switching to creative mode. If you love to play with a lot of mods simultaneously, this mod can also solve any ID conflicts with its special ID Dump feature.



Recipe Mode

This mode is the reason this mod is used so often. With tons of recipes at your fingertips, it allows you to easily search the recipes by name or ID. You can also search for items in the same way just to get a look at them. To keep yourself from cheating, you can just lock yourself into this mode, and not be able to actually load anything.



Utility Mode

This mode adds two more features to the recipe mode function, allowing you to still search for recipes and items by name or ID. The additional features include Magnet mode, allowing drops to come directly to you (like a magnet). Delete mode gives you the ability to delete many options.


Cheat Mode

Although it sounds like a bad thing to do, Cheat Mode in Not Enough Items can actually be pretty helpful, without actually cheating. If creative mode gives you problems, or you just hate to switch between modes all the time, then you might want to give this a try to test out builds or items. Cheat mode basically allows you the ability to cheat the game by giving you unlimited blocks and items, change the time, the weather, and save inventories. You can also instantly switch into creative mode, or heal yourself to full health in survival.

How to install Not Enough Items Mod?

  1. Download Minecraft Forge API and install.
  2. Download the mod, Just Enough Items (JEI) and CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+
  3. Open the “mods” folder in %appdata%/.minecraft.
  4. Just put the mod files (.jar) in the “mods” folder.

Download Not Enough Items Mod

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  • 👨‍💻 covers1624 is the creator of Not Enough Items Mod

📣 About Project

Developer covers1624
Published📅 Jun 30, 2021

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Comments (88)

Hey, I like this mod for crafting recipes mainly but when i click an item to make it go into the inventory it Does not do anything i tried to fix the setting and options and everything please help!

Hey, I’m using both 1.7.10 and 1.10.2, 1.7.10 works, but when I launch the game with 1.10.2 it says…
“Not Enough Items is missing mods it depends on.
Include the following mods or remove Not Enough Items.”
Please fix this, or tell me what I can do to make it work, but don’t tell me to get Code Chicken Core as I already have it in my mod folder.

So this keeps crashing on me i did have it working for 1.9.4 but it started completely crashing mine craft i then tried 1.10.2 and same thing is happening. i have everything downloaded that is needed the mod just broke? not sure here is what it sayswell can’t copy and paste it. also makes extra file for code chicken

warning coremods present
cclcorepluging (codechickenlib-1.10.2-
cccdeobfplugin (unknown)
cclcoreplugin (codechickenlib-1.10.2-
Neicoreplugin (notenoughitems- 1.10.2-
well to long to type so i guess email me and i’ll send crash data

I’ve got forge 1.8-, codechickencore 1.8-, notenoughitems 1.8-, optifine 1.8.0_HD_U_H2, and XRay-15 any idea why it isnt working for me?

i downloaded both links for minecraft 1.7.10. it loaded up but when i went into my inventory it wasn’t there. i have forge for 1.7.10, can anyone help?

Hello, does this mod respect the “cheats”-mark at the world-taking screen? I’m asking ’cause I’m standing in an as-cheat-marked world and cheat mode ist activated, but the cheat buttons don’t appear. Can you help me? In recipe mode and utility mode it’s clear that the buttons don’t appear, but with cheat mode it should work, shouldn’t it?

Thank yu in advance

Hi I’m a newbie & been few a about a week now just installed this mob but unfortunatly it doesnt appear to work I followed the instructions on installion but still dont work help?? Please??

Many thanks SJzzzz

I have installed this long time ago, and it worked fine. Now I installed a new verison of forge, and these two links for 1.8. It looks to be working fine, but no matter if I’m in Utility mode, Cheat mode or Recipe mode I still get the item I’m clicking on right to my inventory, creative and survival. I’ve tried to just get the recipe for the items, at I want to craft them myself, but I can’t. Which was kind of why I downloaded it.

Anyone know what I can do to fix it?

This is a F***ing bad mod when i start the game it crashes even with chicken bones core enabed!!!!
ik vind deze mod de slechtste mod ooit in mijn hele leven oke!?

I installed NEI onto my multiplayer server. I’m having trouble on figuring out how to lock people from cheating, and also, when you right click, it doesn’t show the recipe anymore. Is there a server client for this mod?

Where is the “mods” folder? Trying to get this for my son, but I’m not sure as to what I’m looking for.

Go to minecraft then the forge profile. You need forge for this. Then edit profile. Open game Dir, its down by save profile, then find mods folder and move the mod into it.

Want Mods? Well, Follow These Instructions: The Very First Thing You Need Is Forge. If Your On A PC Then Press R and The Windows Button. Now, Type In “%AppData%”, You Will Find A Folder Called “.minecraft” Press It. Scroll Down Until You See “Mods” Drag Your “.Jar” Files Into It. Turn On Minecraft And Play Modded. If Your On A Mac, Go To The Minecraft Launcher. Press “Edit Profile” In The Bottom Corner, You Will See Something That Says “Open Game Dir” Press It. Look For The “Mods” Folder. If There Is No “Mods” Folder, Make One And Drag It Into The “Dir” Now, Drag Your Mods Into The “Mods” Folder. Turn On Minecraft. It Will Be Modded.

Suddenly this occurred since then i am unable to play with this mod ON, ….any suggestion ?

—- Minecraft Crash Report —-
// Shall we play a game?

Time: 21/01/15 15:51
Description: Unexpected error

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get property PropertyInteger{name=power, clazz=class java.lang.Integer, values=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]} as it does not exist in BlockState{block=minecraft:lit_redstone_ore, properties=[]}
at net.minecraft.block.state.BlockState$StateImplementation.func_177229_b(
at codechicken.nei.DefaultHighlightHandler.handleTextData(
at codechicken.nei.api.ItemInfo.getText(
at codechicken.nei.HUDRenderer.renderOverlay(
at codechicken.nei.ClientHandler.tickEvent(
at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_11_ClientHandler_tickEvent_RenderTickEvent.invoke(.dynamic)

Same here sooooo anoying want a fix sooooo badly, im used to playing xbox minecraft were all the recipes are done for you, but ive upgraded to the computer so i can get mods but i dont know the recipes, and mod recipes ,but this done the job for me but when i encounter redstone and mine it, it lights up but crashes the game at the same time, found out its this mod doing it and would like a fix

hmmm…let me see … i have no idea maybe the texture of the “BlockStte” connot be found cous im seeing a bunch of BlockStates here. My subsciption : just download it again

Two possible problems. are not running the correct Chicken core/not enough items mod/forge
Example you cannot run CC 1.7.10/N.E.I.M.1.7.10/forge 1.8
or 2. You need to use another java version althoe, I have only ever had this problem on Linux, so it might not be that

y do u have to jhave

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