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Small Modern Home Map 1.8.9

Small Modern Home Map 1.8.9

Itโ€™s amazing how much modern architecture finds its way into Minecraft when you consider the game is fairly primitive โ€“ weโ€™re talking about people living in caves and holes they dig in the ground here. But this Small Modern Home is actually one of the...

Survival Games Nuketown Map 1.8.9

Survival Games Nuketown Map 1.8.9

Anyone who has played the Call of Duty games probably knows about Nuketown by now. Itโ€™s a map from the series that features a small subdivision style of place with several residential buildings and tons of mannequins standing around, emulating people. The Survival Games Nuketown...

Asleep Map 1.8.9

Asleep Map 1.8.9

Asleep is a Minecraft map in the theme of many other horror maps. It is essentially a trip into the world of dreams, and unfortunately, nightmares in turn. This map is a massive collection of different command blocks, some with commands running for hundreds of...

Very Easy
Skyscraper City Map 1.8.9

Skyscraper City Map 1.8.9

With a name like Skyscraper City, most people will probably be able to deduce what this map looks like. But thatโ€™s actually just one small section of E-Land, the actual map, which is referred to as Skyscraper City because thatโ€™s the main attraction of the...

Planetary Confinement: The Dunes Map 1.8.9

Planetary Confinement: The Dunes Map 1.8.9

Have you ever played Starbound, or maybe Crash Landing? Games where you end up lost in space and are forced to survive using whatever means are available are certainly growing in popularity these days. The concept is even showing up in other existing games too,...

Mystical Chamber Map 1.8.9

Mystical Chamber Map 1.8.9

Minecraft and parkour are pretty much synonymous with each other these days. Even on maps that donโ€™t actually focus on parkour, players usually build bases with difficult jumps that are necessary to move around or end up building their own little parkour courses out in...

15 Levels of Parkour Map 1.8.9

15 Levels of Parkour Map 1.8.9

One of the most popular categories for Minecraft maps is the parkour category. Thousands of players around the world enjoy these maps on a daily basis and rightly so because theyโ€™re just so much fun to play. Few other maps can match the thrill and...

Imperial City Map 1.8.9 (Elder Scrolls’ Imperial City)

Imperial City Map 1.8.9 (Elder Scrolls' Imperial City)

The Elder Scrolls is a game series famous all over the world thanks to constantly innovative design, outstanding musical scores, cutting-edge graphics, and more. It also features some inspired architecture โ€“ there are several different races of people with several different cultures and the world...

Transportation Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.10.2/1.9.4

Transportation Mod

SoggyMoustacheโ€™s Transportation Mod is a very useful mod that makes getting around the Minecraft world quite simple and convenient. Normally, moving around the game world of Minecraft can become quite tedious unless youโ€™re using something like a teleportation mod. Navigating to places on foot can...

Mob Talker 2 Mod for Minecraft 1.8.9/1.7.10

Mob Talker 2 Mod

The universe of Minecraft is gigantic. In the same way that itโ€™s gigantic, there are such a variety of crowds of various types that flourish in it. On the other hand, no one in the realm of Minecraft has the capability of talking. Frequently, one...

Actually Additions Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Actually Additions Mod

As of right now, there are multitudes of great Minecraft mods available that the players can use to make their in-game experience more immersive and enjoyable. Perhaps the most common mods are those that are designed to add various kinds of items into the game....

Joypad Mod for Minecraft 1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10

Joypad Mod

One of the best things about gaming on the PC is versatility. Mods, updates, downloads and other additions to a game can be quickly snatched up and installed, which means consumers get the content they want when they want it in most cases. Even when...

Sword Art Online UI Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.10.2/1.9.4

Sword Art Online UI Mod

Fans of the popular MMO game Sword Art Online will probably really like this Sword Art Online UI Mod for Minecraft, which changes the user interface to resemble the one from SAO. Itโ€™s not just a couple little cosmetic changes either โ€“ button presses will...

The Walking Dead Mod for Minecraft 1.8.9/1.7.10

The Walking Dead Mod

Fans of AMCโ€™s The Walking Dead can get more of the zombies they love in Minecraft by installing The Walking Dead Mod. In addition to the various walkers which will spawn, characters from the popular show will also make appearances in the playerโ€™s world with...

Thaumcraft Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.10.2/1.8.9

Thaumcraft Mod

The Thaumcraft mod effectively makes Minecraft players into magicians by adding various types of wants to the game, each of which can help the player to enact various effects throughout their world. These can be somewhat basic, like waving a wand to break down a...

Zoo and Wild Animals Rebuilt Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.12/1.8.9

Zoo and Wild Animals Rebuilt Mod

Zoo and Wild Animals Rebuilt is a great mod thatโ€™s been designed to improve the way wildlife looks in Minecraft. Given how much emphasis Minecraft places on exploration, the wildlife of the game feels rather lackluster because there really isnโ€™t that much animal variety, to...

Advanced Capes Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.10.2/1.8.9

Advanced Capes Mod

The Advanced Capes Mod has been designed for players who want to awaken their inner superhero or want to represent something through their Minecraft character. There have been many cape related mods out there before this one, but none of them have showed the level...

ArchitectureCraft Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.10.2/1.9.4


Do you long for buildings in Minecraft which look more realistic? Cylinders, ovals and other, non-cubic shapes are pretty much impossible to find in the vanilla game, and itโ€™s something that eats at more than a handful of builders hoping to make something really beautiful....