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Wolf Armor and Storage Mod

Wolf Armor and Storage is a mod that’s absolutely worth looking into simply due to how creative and well thought out it is. If you’ve tamed wolves in Minecraft before or do so frequently then you might have been overwhelmed from time to time because there’s only a certain amount of functionality and assistance that they bring to the table but Wolf Armor and Storage is a mod that’s going to make these creatures significantly more impactful when you decide to tame them and it does so through a variety of creative ways.

Features and Functionality

The Wolf Armor and Storage mod basically gives players the ability to equip armors onto the wolves that they tame and even give them storage so that they can carry additional items for players. In order to add storage to wolves, all you have to do is right click a tamed wolf with a chest in your hand and it’ll add six slots of storage to the wolf that you can use to store whatever items you want to. Alongside this, the mod also gives players the ability to use dispensers to give armors to their wolves and, alongside simply looking quite nice when equipped, these armors will allow the wolves to take way more damage than they usually can.

Compatibility and Technical Aspects

Wolf Armor and Storage is quite immaculate on a technical level so it shouldn’t cause any major bugs or issues but it’s worth highlighting that the mod will cease to work properly if you’re using mods that override the basic wolf entity and this includes mods like Stacy’s Wolves.


Overall, Wolf Armor and Storage is a creative and extremely well crafted mod that significantly enhances the abilities and functionality of tamed wolves and, in turn, makes the overall gameplay experience more enjoyable.

How to install Wolf Armor and Storage Mod?

  1. Download and install the recommended Minecraft Forge for your Minecraft version.
  2. Download the latest mod version for your Minecraft version.
  3. Put the .jar file into the mods folder of your Minecraft installation.

Download Wolf Armor and Storage Mod

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  • 👨‍💻 satyrnidae is the creator of Wolf Armor and Storage Mod

📣 About Project

Developer satyrnidae
Published📅 Mar 6, 2022

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