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Emfire’s Realistic Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.13.2

Emfire’s Realistic Resource Pack

Emfire’s Realistic resource pack is a pack that offers exactly what the name implies and this, of course, is a set of realistic textures that have been designed to elevate the visuals to a whole new level. Before we go into any further detail regarding...

Saxolotl’s Preferred Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.13.2

Saxolotl’s Preferred Resource Pack

Saxolotl’s Preferred resource pack is a pack that’s been designed to revamp the visuals of Minecraft in order to fit the preferences of the pack’s creator. This isn’t a pack that makes major changes so, if you’re looking for a complete overhaul of Minecraft’s visuals,...

PixelCraft Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.13.2

PixelCraft Resource Pack

PixelCraft is definitely among the most bizarre and peculiar resource packs that we’ve come across in a while and perhaps this is exactly why we suggest giving it a shot if you’re looking for something that’s truly out of the ordinary. Over the years, we’ve...

Winthor Winter Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.13.2

Winthor Winter Resource Pack

If the name of the Winthor Winter resource pack sounds familiar to you then you’ve probably tried out the Winthor Medieval resource pack that came out a few months ago. Winthor Medieval is without a doubt one of the best medieval themed packs to surface...

Titan v3 Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.13.2

Titan v3 Resource Pack

Titan v3 is a resource pack for PvP enthusiasts who want to enjoy a smooth PvP experience without compromising on the quality of the visuals that they experience during their battles. PvP resource packs have always had the inherent flaw of offering toned down visuals...

Surface of the Moon Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.13.2

Surface of the Moon Resource Pack

Surface of the Moon is probably among the most creatively designed resource packs we’ve seen as far as sky changing packs go for Minecraft because it offers a unique environment for players to enjoy. In recent times we’ve seen quite a few packs that have...

Snowfall Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.13.2

Snowfall Resource Pack

With Christmas getting closer with each passing day, it’s no surprise that we’ve started to see an influx of content that’s been inspired by the holiday and has been designed to get players into the spirit and Snowfall is among the latest resource packs to...

GUI Metroize Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.14/1.13.2/1.12.2

GUI Metroize Resource Pack

GUI Metroize is a resource pack that, as the name gives away, focuses solely on the game’s user-interface and has been designed to make it look more appealing for players. Minecraft’s visuals have always had a certain charm to them which is why the game...

Kuro’s Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.13.2

Kuro’s Resource Pack

Kuro’s resource pack is among the oldest resource packs currently available for Minecraft and, as it turns out, it also seems to be one of the most intricately crafted resource packs of its kind out there. Kuro’s resource pack initially came out back in August...

Showing 82 to 90 of 110 entries