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The Realism Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.8.8

Many resource packs claim to make the world of Minecraft look more realistic. They smooth edges, add pixels, boost the resolutions and textures of blocks, items and icons and make other changes to either totally modify the appearance of Minecraft, or significantly boost the graphics with normal textures. Out of them all, there is only one bold enough to call itself The Realism resource pack. At a current version of 3.0, there were some prior releases of this resource pack as well, and you may have heard of it in the past if you’ve been playing Minecraft for long. It’s really a rather popular series.




Besides boosting the look of every texture in the game with a resolution of 64x – that’s essentially four times better resolution than standard Minecraft – The Realism resource pack also converts a number of rarely used textures into items with a modern look and feel. The pack is perfect for building large, metropolitan cities, as well as smaller neighborhoods. Lighting effects are decent, but it’s not as if the lighting has been modded or anything. It still only keeps mobs away for the normal number of blocks, based on the intensity of the light. Things look brighter though, which can be deceiving.



If you’re looking for a resource pack which combines realistic textures with modern blocks in a format that the majority of Minecraft players can support, then The Realism resource pack could be exactly what you’re looking for. It’s certainly not the best realism pack as there are many more with far more detailed blocks and textures, but it’s kind of a perfect middle ground, which gives it a very broad appeal that those resource hog packs just don’t have.

The Realism Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.8.8 Changelogs

  • Changed bricks and edtied sandstone.
  • New textures.

Download Links for The Realism Resource Pack

for Minecraft 1.8.X

Credit: Qmans

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