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Artifice Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10

The Artifice mod is the perfect addition to Minecraft for people who just love to craft. It adds a horde of new recipes, along with many new items which can be made from those recipes, or by using the results from those recipes to in turn compile another, new recipe. It’s a very interesting mod, but the amount of new content is staggering. Normally that’s not a bad thing, and it’s not exactly a bad thing in the case of this mod either, but some of the stuff added by Artifice is pretty simple and uninspired. This could be said of content from a number of mods, so don’t let it stop you from trying the thing.



With four new types of flowers, an all-new sledgehammer tool, small storage boxes and much, much more, the Artifice mod really packs content into Minecraft. Users can look forward to new basalt and marble, which can be used much like the other new igneous rocks (granite, andesite and diorite) to create a number of decorative fixtures like stairs, furniture, bricks and other items. Of these items, the flowers are probably the coolest, and only because of a very specific feature. Lotuses will actually open and close according to the surrounding light level, making them Minecraft’s first dynamic plant.




The Artifice mod works with Minecraft up to version 1.7.10, so it isn’t yet ready for the latest game client. If you try it and it doesn’t work, the first step towards fixing that would probably be to turn your version back an update or two. Also bear in mind that Artifice was designed to work hand-in-hand with a number of other mods, including EE3 (Equivalent Exchange 3) which allows the player to create the new basalt and marble using cobblestone recipes. This doesn’t make or break the mod, but it is nice.

Artifice Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 Changelogs

  • Add steel ore dictionary registration config.

How to install Artifice Mod?

  1. If you haven’t already, download and install Minecraft Forge
  2. Download the Artifice mod
  3. Copy the jar file into your .minecraft/mods folder!

Download Links for Artifice Mod

for Minecraft 1.7.10

Credit: Shukaro – Original Thread on Curse

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