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Realistic Torches Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Realistic Torches Mod

The torches in Minecraft just aren’t realistic. Everyone knows that nothing burns forever – eventually fire will consume whatever it’s feeding off of to keep burning, and it will then go out in a puff of smoke at the end. The Realistic Torches mod brings...

Dynamic Sword Skills Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Dynamic Sword Skills Mod

There are some mods which add different types of swords and other weapons to Minecraft, like the Elemental Swords mod. Then there are additions like the Dynamic Sword Skills mod, which introduces new ways to use the same old weapons, rather than adding new weapons...

CrackedZombie Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

CrackedZombie Mod

For players looking for more of a challenge in Minecraft, consider grabbing the CrackedZombie mod, which replaces standard zombies with updated, more aggressive versions that attack players, villagers and even livestock like cows and chickens. They pretty much just kill everything they see. There are...

Mo’ Villages Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2

Mo’ Villages Mod

The Mo’ Villages mod is one of those Minecraft mods which was made redundant by the release of version 1.12.2 of the game client. Basically, this mod allows for the generation of more NPC villages when creating a new world, as well as a change...

Back Tools Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.10.2

Back Tools Mod

Some mods do very little to change the overall experience of Minecraft, but the little bit they do accomplish seems like an oversight by the game developers at Mojang – like stuff that should have been included exactly because it was so simple. The Back...

Just a Few Fish Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Just a Few Fish Mod

Just a Few Fish is a very fun Minecraft mod that, as the name suggests, focuses solely on the aspect of in-game fishes and tries to enhance it to a whole new level. Normally, Minecraft isn’t really that big on fishes. Sure it has massive...

Advanced Inventory Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Advanced Inventory Mod

If you’re a Minecraft player who tends to pick up every single item that comes in your sight, then you’ve probably run into multiple different instances in which the ordinary in-game inventory simply hasn’t sufficed. The default inventory is pretty limited and doesn’t give players...

Giacomo’s Fishing Net Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.11.2

Giacomo’s Fishing Net Mod

Have you lost your taste for fishing in Minecraft, but you still don’t want to go the cheater’s way and install an automatic fishing mod? Giacomo’s Fishing Net mod is a comfortable go between which lets you keep your integrity while allowing you to catch...

Chococraft Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2/1.7.10

Chococraft Mod

Fans of the Final Fantasy RPG series will immediately recognize the iconic character added to Minecraft by the Chococraft mod. Chocobos are large, bipedal and mostly flightless birds which come in a wide variety of colors. They’re known for their characteristic “wark” sound, which you’ll...

Showing 46 to 54 of 424 entries