With 25 total levels to play through, The Parkour Slime may be one of the longest parkour maps available for Minecraft right now. At the very least, it is an entertaining example of what parkour could and should be. Despite the great number of levels and interesting mechanics for moving around in those levels, it should only take a skilled parkour player about 30 minutes to beat The Parkour Slime from start to finish. As for those interesting mechanics, itโs really just a single mechanic, but it does impact the course a lot. Slime blocks play a big role in helping you move around on this map.
Thatโs not the case in most other parkour maps. You could attribute this to the fact slime blocks are relatively new, just appearing in the most recent versions of Minecraft, so all those older maps wouldnโt include them anyhow. It could be that people just donโt understand the dynamics of slime blocks, so they try not to make them a part of their parkour maps. Whatever the reason you donโt see them popping up in other maps, youโll see plenty of them here, and youโll learn how they add an interesting new layer to parkour on top of that.